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Jet Lag survival kit.

Taking a long trip with a baby or small child can be daunting, especially if you're crossing into different time zones.  Ive been traveling since my daughter was 3 months and since than I've learned a few tricks when it comes to dealing with baby jet lag.  1. Be patient. It takes time, but your child will gradually return to his normal schedule! With my older daughter she got back into routine within 1 week. With my 2nd its taking about 2 weeks and counting.  2. Encourage napping. I believe its true when they say, that sleep begets sleep, so don't try to keep your baby awake when he's tired. Having a overtired baby is worse. So maintain  regular naps while traveling and when you return home.  3. Lighting. During the day, when your child is up, try to to spend as much time outside in the sunlight. This will help get their internal clock back on schedule, plus getting some fresh air and being active should help tire them out.  Keeps the lights dim at night an

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